In 1994 a gothic style horror film was released that soon turned into a cult movie. Following the death of its lead man during filming, the crow still remains a classic gothic horror movie. With even the title leaving a suggestion to the raven, as crows and ravens are almost identical with very little to tell them apart. While the story is different in that of the crow then it is in thepoem of the raven, The crow even quotes lines from the poem by poe. The themes within the crow is that of vengence and that of a love lost, as Eric Draven (the crow lead Brandon Lee) rises from the dead on the aniversery of his and his fiancees brutal deaths to murder those who murder them. The crow name comes from the fact that they use the mythology that and to quote:
'People once believed that when someone dies, a crow carries their soul to the land of the dead. But sometimes, something so bad happens that a terrible sadness is carried with it and the soul can't rest. Then sometimes, just sometimes, the crow can bring that soul back to put the wrong things right.'
The crow brings Draven back to life, and aids his quest for revenge giving him almost super human powers. at one of the revenge murder sights Draven leaves the symbol of the crow outstretched in blood on the wall as a warning.
With its classic horror undertones, with most scenes set in a rock club, graveyard and church and its use of music and quoting the likes of poe its no wonder this film became the cult it is today.
what i just love about this film is that while the plot isnt very similar there are hints and i love the way that the quote from Poes wrok was just added in very subtly and unless u knew where it was from you wouldnt of guessed where it was from.
what i just love about this film is that while the plot isnt very similar there are hints and i love the way that the quote from Poes wrok was just added in very subtly and unless u knew where it was from you wouldnt of guessed where it was from.
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