Monday, 3 January 2011

Grid experimentation crack/back photos 2

from the images i took the other day i have been experiementing with different sequencing and grid structures to see what creates an astetic effects. 
Of course it depends on how big a structure i would want to achieve, it also depends on how many images i wanted to include. 
I also have experimented using 'blank' images. photos of the ground without anyones feet in. 
Below are a few examples of experiments with grids using the images ive already taken. 

Here i created a 3x3 grid using equal devisions. But with double the space at the edges Here i alternated the direction of the people in the images. The top level i had to improvise as i didnt have enough images to complete another rung. 
this suggests that i need to increase the volume of images i take in the locations to achieve a large amount of images to choose from. i really like the repetition of the images here and this its very effective. 

i also like the idea of the 'empty' image between the top row so i thought id experiment with alternating that also to which i achieved this effect:

Here the images are more broken up which suggests a less heavy 'flow' of pedestians. I do like it as it adds more of a pattern to the images however i dont think it is as effective as the first grid i created. Maybe just by encorperating just one or two 'blank' squares it would add abit extra to the flow, and yet still capture that freeness of the first grid rather then the very formal structure on the second, with making sure that the padestrians are walking in the correct directions. Here i used equal devisions all around though in comparison i think i prefer the image above with the extra space around the outside of the overall square. 

I also experimented abit with the idea of more of a rectangular structured grid. While it is alright i think with the use of squared off images i think that the use of a square grid is more appropriate.

I like the fact that i managed to keep the framing almost the same for every image by keeping the camera in the same location. As for the structure of my grids, if they are to be printed on white paper the external width will not need to be worried about right now. I also showed my images to a a range of people to get there opinions on what works about the structure of the images in the grids. Many actually said they prefered the idea of a more random structure with the input of some blank squares, They also said that any more images may make the grid too complicated and take away from some of the detailing on the images.  I will take this into concideration when creating the next amount of grids.

It will be interesting to see how this would work out in comparison to more photos in different locations.  which is what i shall be experimenting with next.

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