Thursday, 6 January 2011

Sophy Rickett

Sophy Rickett is a visual artist using a mixture of photography and sound. Her photography explores the narrative tendicies and the abstract possiblitiys of photographs. Her images, visually stunning, portray a sence of place and location. Often atmospheric, they play with the idea of dark and light, uncertancy and drama. The locations are lit in a way in which creates tension and feelings for the auidence.
I started to look at her work due to her use with grids and multiple images. Some of her images are diptics. She seems to use two different techniques with her use of imagery and multiples. Some images the photos look like one image spread over two or three pannels, such as if the images were pushed together they would be one image, the other is the normal two different images, however while they are different theyre is strong resemblance between them, often only one thing has changed.  These images are visually stunning. she uses long exposures, and different techniques to achieve interesting colours in her colour images, and very high contrasts in her black and white images. Her use of multiples are fantastic.

This work seems both relivent for my 'crack/back' images as well my he loves me/loves me not. 

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