Monday, 28 February 2011

breaking mirrors more photos- makeup?

So following my 'brainwave' last night about instead of focusing on gettin a perfect visual in shot, by pairing up images. My first instinct was to look back over what people said to me they associated with the idea of vanity. the main object next to a mirror was 'makeup' or a form of makeup.  While many of the images that i got i was not overly happy with, and yet some of them worked better then others

. I wanted the images to be close up, focusing on just one area of the face, with the obvious over the top makeup. However when i got into it, the focus point soon become to try and step back away from the obvious image of just an eye covered in makeup, and more towards this idea of vanity and to some extent distortion caused by the cracks in the mirror but also as a reflection on the idea that whether someone is overly vain or lacking in confidence most people have some sort of body issues. in the end the out of focus images become more interesting then those that are in focus. which was just causes by manually causing it to be the most 'out of focus' as this lens would let me at the focal length it was at.

Infact, just by adjusting the brightness and the vibrancy slightly, like the second image above, the images take on a very simple, and yet dramatic stance. They appear more poparty and very much more abstract. and by selecting the right image, and maybe even taking the idea that i had before about cropping to a more squared shape, i could achieve images that i am more happy with.

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