Sunday, 6 February 2011

More love/not dyptics -Similar imagery vs difference in images?

Here are some of the dyptics taken from my second selection of winter images.These images ive tried to keep to the idea of similar images, framing, depth of feild, as well as a few images that ive tried not to be to obvious with the link between imagery. Obviously i want them to be contrasting, to get the full effect of the summer winter contrast. It really is about trying to get the correct balence between being similar, and being directly the same.

Here, the images are very similar in some ways, the branches semm to follow from one image to the other. The depth of feild is pretty much the same between the two images, while the angle of the branch on the left is different to that on the right. The main contrast between the images is the vast colour changes. the greens and yellows in the left image are very vibrant in contrast to the pale, dull colours of the winter image. even the buds are just white and grey. While they are very good picked specifically together, I dont really feel as confident with this image in comparison to some of the more stronger images that i have from this idea. 

Here the image taken in the summer, i had converted using photoshop to this tilt-shift effect, so while looking at the winter images and i spotted this image and its similartitys to the other image, i wanted to see how the tilt shift effect would look on the photos. 
I rather like the way in which this image is similar but not as identical as the dyptic that is above. While the tilt shift blur isnt exactly the same length, distance ect but the effect works well at allowing me to select the area that would look good for the individual photograph. Here the images are similar, but different too. the images both show paths winding threw the grass with the trees branching over the pathways. This image is one i really like, it is both similar and yet different and contrasting. 


This image again is rather similar in looks. Im really not overly sure about these images. The winter image is actually somewhat brighter then the summer images. The green is vibrant and yet it darkens the image alot, while that of the winter is bright, light and the hints of green and yellow are not dull and darkened like the images in the other dyptics.  I dont really like these images in comparison to the others. 

This images i was unsure about pairing together, however in the long run i think it is very appropriate.  Each image has a branch reaching across the frame. The colouring is more back to the paletes associated with the equivilent season.  I like in these images the mixture of textures from the soft edges and almost flowing curves of the leaves in the summer plants, while the harshness of the torny bushes are symoblic of the harshness of the winters. It almost shows the contrast in nature: the rebirth and the destruction, The sun is clearly out in the summer images while the winter the thorns are so dence that the background is blacked out.

Once again Here the images are abit more varied in framing and style but they seem to work very well together. the colours almost match as one being in summer, bright vibrent, colourfilled, while the contrasting image looks as if the same colour is dead. the depth of field is very similar between the two, and while the left image is very round, curved in the shaping, the right is very straight, pointy. I do really like this image mix and think it achieves the correct look of what im going for. This is one that i would concider including in my final selection.

I think the best thing for me to do is to create images that are similar in some ways and yet still remain sepourate. The images i like more seem to be ones that have obvious similaritys and yet some very obvious differences.

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