Friday, 4 March 2011

Guru's and Grasshoppers

We showed our work this week to the second years to expand the viewing audience of our work which i found very insightful and rather fun to do. It helped give me another viewpoint of my work as well as allowing me to take a step back from my work and get a better evaluation of my work. The main things to come out of showing my work was:

To work on producing more 'step on' photos and grids, but the general concenus was that the grid images that included gaps and was more randomised then structured work better, while there was abit of debating about what structure of the boarder around the edge of the whole image should be

. The girls who saw the rest of my work also stated that the images that were working best at the moment where the 'he loves me he loves me not' and loved the contrasts and similarities of the images.

It was also suggested that i make a fuss of the page number 13 in the book and using that for a basis for the work ive done looking into the number 13.

As well as them liking the idea of the use of text and imagery, they said a key point would be the cover of the book as well, stating that a plain black book with simple text on the cover maybe more powerful then an image wrap around. And the importance of the name of the book.

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