Naglaa walker originally a psysist, turned photographer, has a very unusual use of text with here images. Each image is paired with a corrisponding psysics equation to which refers to something in the image. It makes the audience think about the image and how the equation may be related, as well as thinking about the deeper meaning between what is preditermind and what is not. The images work well together and while most of the images are not similar in a sence, what brings them together is this use of photography and text which is rather unusual. I like this idea of the text being the same size as the image itself and actually in a photograph of its own, just clearly wrote on a blackboard, which is also symbolic of schools and learning which suggests the audience are learning more from the addition of the text. The images themselves are somewhat plain images, the examples below the top one is far more hard hitting and the bottom is far more 'pretty' in the sence of subject matter and shooting style.

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