Sunday, 6 March 2011

Umbrella indoors - bad luck.

My original idea for this was to photograph people in different situations where it would almost make sence to why they would have an umbrella up inside. (in the libary reading a book about weather?)  However for the most part ive had alot of trouble trying to organise and place models. So ive had to think of alternatives to try and work around this, but unfortunatly pulled a blank. I have also looked into the idea of photographing the opposite, or something that i feel would be like the oppsite, taking a 'wet floor' sign, which suggests a leaking roof in the rain ect, and take it outside and put it next to a puddle.. but while this would make great photographs, i dont think nessisarly people would make the association between the two ideas. This is one im gonna put on the back burner and see if i could delvelope it more at a different stage.

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